Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Word and Image Unity -Brent Noll

this poster, Pixar designed by Eric tan is one of many examples of unique and retro typeface and ilustration designs commissioned by to promote viral campaigns for thier movies.  this is a fairly centered composition with an interesting pastel color pallet to allude to the retro design agenda.  the font of the omnidroid is bold and italic, to create a sense of motion referencing the large robot in the center of the image.  the shadows are flat with hard edges, and the font for the most part follows that style.  in addition to the over all color pallet the font is unified by being equally textured, as the image has a vintage appeal to it.

the variations of the font is interesting specifically in the speech bubbles.  the font becomes more hand oriented, yet the word SYNDROME is mechanical and offset to add emphasis 

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